Up to my neck in cow poop..
Hello Everyone! I just got back from the country, and thought I would do a quick update.
On thursday Madonna and I took the train up to Eudlo. To show you how small Eudlo is, we had to move to the front car in the train to exit, because the platform was that small. I got to hear a nice story about how Uncle Scott failed to hear this message and forced one of the back car's door open and fell onto the tracks in the dark. We made sure this didn't happen. After a quick trip into the town store, where the products are a good food away from one another on the shelf, and the counter lady knew exactly who we were staying with, we were off to Aunt Fiona and Uncle Trevor's house. They live off a dirt road in a great little Queensland style house, which is raised of the ground to get a nice breeze. After a quick tour of the house we sat down for afternoon tea. You'll realize that all I did these past two days was eat and drink tea, not a bad life if you ask me.
Aunt Fiona lives in the country so we also got a little tour of their property, which included a dam, which is where they get their water from. I guess the purify it right on the property, but I'm not quite sure. Uncle Trevor is a mechanic and has an awesome collection of Ducati motorbikes. After watching a movie we were off to bed because we had a big day at the farm ahead of us.
UNcle Scott and Jackson met us at Aunt Fiona's and we were off to Great Aunt Mavis' farm. After taking a windy country road we were there. I believe the town was called Kin Kin or Gympie. The property was amazing, with a fully functioning cattle farm. After morning tea with amazing pastries we were off for a walk to check out the property. We wadded through cow poop to the calf holding, milking area, and up some hills. We were dodging cow poop everywhere, which was hard to deferentiate from the mud since it had rained on the way up there. I'm sure I took more that I want to think about on my new rainbows (thanks Amanda) I had to throw away my old "work" pair, because they didn't make it through the barf incident in Surfer's Paradise. RIP.
Anyways after some more piddling around the farm it was time for Aunt Mavis' famous sausage rolls. And the definetly lived up the their hype. We also had curried deviled eggs. I would never go hungry living with Aunt Mavis. Food always appeared out of no where.
Then we went up the hill to Cousin Dennis' house, which looked over Aunt Mavis' property. It was absolutely breathtaking up there and I took TONS of pictures, which I hope to post within the week. Looking at Aunt Mavis' property from up there made it look like a golf course with all the ponds and trees on her property. Which of course made me think of Dad! Hi DAD!!
We took a route home that went along the sunshine coast, though it was raining off and on the whole way there, it cleared up right when we came to a lookout point and I was able to get some pretty good pictures.
We finally got home to Brisbane, had some more food and then went off to visit Aunt Judy at work (a casino). I decided to try my luck on a penny slot, and was up to $3 but blew through it pretty quick when it was time to leave. $1 did give me about 10 minutes of fun.
Alright, well that was the farm experience, I'll add more later, if I think of it.
So pretty much I never proof these things, and are often times being distracted while I write these so please forgive the grammar and spelling mistakes, they are probably killing my mom to read.
I love and miss you all.
Aussie word of the day:
Mossies: Mosquitos
In honor of the 10 new bug bites I got in the country...