Ali's Australian Adventures
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Woah! It's been a long time!!
So I think I was off blogging a bit after my New Zealand trip..especially after the longest blog ever. But I've rested up now and have gotten numerous threatening emails from my Cousin Dorean so I'm back now blogging away.
Headed down to Sydney April 25th, which is ANZAC day here, which stands for Australia New Zealand Armed Corps. It's pretty much their veterans day. So we wake up at 4:30 AM to get to our flight on time. We get picked up from the airport in Sydney around 9..and are at the pub by 10. They start early here on Anzac Day. Now ANzac day is the only day where they can gamble on a game called two up. So they play it at all the pubs throughout Australia. It is probably the funniest game ever, and really hard to describe. Basically they stand around in a huge circle, with someone in the middle with this paddle which they put three quarters on. Now before the person flips the coins everyone bets on whether they think it will come up heads and tails. Sounds absolutely right. Ok so say you want to bet $5 that it will come up heads. You will hold up your bill and kinda tap your head with it, any other day you will look like an idiot but its ok on Anzac day. So someone who sees you tapping your head with a $5 bill goes, well he could be mentally insane or he might want to bet 5 dollars on heads. Now if you want to bet on tails you walk up to this person and hand him your money. You then get a good look at each other and return to the spot you were standing in the circle. So the person betting on heads is holding hte money. Now when everyone has placed their bets everyone starts YELLING AT THE COINS. Ya like that will help, but everyone else is doing it why not you. If the coins comes up heads the person holding the money keeps it, if it comes up tails they find the person they bet and give them the money. Sounds pretty insane huh? Well they play this game and drink ALL DAY. Like we didn't get home until 11, and please remember we were up at 4:30. LONG DAY. I'll try to load a video of two up, because I'm sure most of you are totally confused and shaking your head.
Um I can't really remember many more details of Sydney. We went to the beach a lot. Went out to differnt clubs. I was allergic/sick most of the time but sucked it up. It was our friends 21st bday on Saturday, which was sooooo much fun..especially since we knew most of their friends like then, but we still were the "AMerican Girls" Hmm what else did I do in Sydney, oh ya that's right I SKYDIVED. SkyDOVE? I jumped out of a plane at 14,000 feet, we'll put it that way. I'm sure you have all seen the video and I apologize for the foul language at the end but to be FAIR I did jump out of an airplane. It was an AMAZING experience, and I totally recommend anyone doing it. I wasn't nervous at all, which was pretty suprising since I've not the biggest fan of heights. If you haven't seen the video let me know and I'll send you a link. So overall Sydney was amazing and I really love those boys.
My roommate's older brother and sister came to visit so I went up to Noosa again with them, and also visited my friend Nathan and stayed with him and his family. It was a lot of fun, went to the beach and hung out with his family who are sooo nice and hospitable, his sisters were especially fond of me because I brought them the OC dvds that my mom had been sending me since they are half a season behind here. Went home early from Noosa because I had a couple really big assignments due, I know how very responsible of me. :)
We went to a Rugby game last weekend, which was a very Australian thing to do. I absolutely loved it. It is soooo violent, like American Football but without pads.
So I think I'm coming back (unfortunately) around July 19th. I miss you all so much but I absolutely love it here, and can't imagine leaving it. But the plan is, like honestly, to finish my degree as fast as possible and then move back here for a couple of years. I love this country and it's lifestyle and could definetly see myself living here.
We just had a huge BBQ at our house (and no we didn't put any shrimp on the barbie) for my roommates 21st bday. They all just left, but I need to read a book by tomorrow it's only 100 pages, so I don't look like the dumb American who didn't read the book in my tutorial tomorrow. The sacrifices I have to make!! :)
I love and miss you all!
Aussie word of the day:
Gridiron: American Football