Ali's Australian Adventures

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

And we went lawn bowling..

And you thought Lawn Bowling was only for old men, no we definetly went lawn bowling, and I think i have a future in it. Ok and this isn't the best pic of was from the view of the ball...

So that's my LONG update with tons of pics.

I also want to give a shout out to my most faithful reader..let me show you her dedication.

QUTEOSTUF (6:16:35 AM): THAT'S probably what woke me up !!! I was DREAMIN' about a new blog !!!!

Thanks Dorean!!!

Love and miss you all. Posted by Picasa

The Lighthouse. The boys. The girls.

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Beautiful Byron Bay

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Toby and Byron Bay..skipping rocks and cartwheel races..How old are we?

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Havin Fun.

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Pre Family.

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The Score. The Friends. The Street Zamboni that tried to kill me.

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Action shots.

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Coolest Bowling Alley EVA!!

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Air Hockey (I Won!!) and settling in to lane 11

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