Ali's Australian Adventures

Thursday, September 28, 2006

More Artwork..

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My art class

So my favorite class this semester is my art class. It is art for elementary school teachers. I love every bit of this class, I love my teacher, most of the people in my class and the projects. It is amazing the kind of work we end up with since none of us have any art experience, we amaze ourselves with each project.

This one is a charcoal picture that we did. We took a picture and picked out a small portion of it that we wanted to recreat. Then we had to enlarge it proportionally for our artwork. We covered our whole paper with charcoal and erases out the picture. We worked upside down which worked by tricking the brain. Amazingly it worked. I'm pretty proud of my final project actually. I don't think the pictures actually show the value of the artwork but I still wanted to share them with you. Hope you like them!!

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

How bout some more BOYS!!

1. G
2. Karl
3. Parris
4. Greg (aka Mills, My favorite white boy!!)

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My boys!!!

Meet my favorite boys!!!! (in no particular order)

1. Keith (Soccer player/Opera singer!!)
2. Mike Knight (My very own Seth Cohen)
3. Joey (The cutest cook ever!!)
4. Kevin (My little Kevie Wevie!!)

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So I'm back @ SDSU. And I figured why stop blogging now. At least I can post some pictures right? So for those of you who want to see some of my pictures from down here...well here they are..First off is just pics of me and my roomie!! I love her!!!! Posted by Picasa