Ali's Australian Adventures

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Greek Festival

OK so I forgot about the Greek Festival we went to, I knew I was forgeting something. So we went to a Greek Fesitval, it was a lot of fun. Lots of food, rides and dancing. Afterwards we went out in the city. More dancing. I look pretty scary in the pic with the two boys, but it's the only pic I have with Auston and Foster. Foster is Auston's friend from home (Tennesse). Now the triangle thing is a funny story. For some reason I wanted a picture of it, or one of my drunk friends did, so I ran around trying to take a picture of it. I could have been patient and waited for it to come to me, which it did, REALLY OFTEN, but once you miss it, you REALLY want to get it, which causes you to kind of chase it around the club, looking like a complete idiot. Mind you, as always, COMPLETLY SOBER. After getting about 10 pictures with jump the black floor I got the triangle. A few times really. It might not be the coolest picture ever, but really it is with the story and all the hard work it took to get it. So there stupid blue triangle!! I got you!! HA! Posted by Picasa


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